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Letra 'Bad motor scooter' de 'Montrose' traducida al español

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Bad motor scooter

If you get lonely on your daddyand's farm
just remember i donand't live too far.
and thereand's a red bridge that arcs the bay, yeah
youand'll be at my place in less that a day.
So get on your bad motor scooter and ride
up over to my place and stay all night.
first thing in the morning weand'll be feeling all right
so get on your bad motor scooter and ride.
Ooh, the last i seen your face
i swore that no one would take your place.
now since youand've been gone iand've been feelinand' bad, yeah
iand'd come out to your place (but)
iand'm afraid of your dad. so you...
Ride, ride, ride.
come on baby, ooh yeah.
crank it on up!
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