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Letra 'Themes From The Wizard Of Oz' de 'Meco' traducida al español

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Themes From The Wizard Of Oz

(wicked witch laughs, toto barks)
andlt;instrumental to andquot;somewhere over the rainbowandquot;andgt;
Cowardly lion:
andquot;rrrruf! rrrruf!! rrrruf!!!
put and'em up, put and'em up!andquot;
Weand're off to see the wizard
the wonderful wizard of oz
youand'll find that the man is a whiz of a wiz
if ever a wiz there was
if ever, if ever a wiz there was
the wizard of oz is one because
because, because, because, because, because
of the wonderful things he does
weand're off to see the wizard
the wonderful wizard of oz
Wicked witch:
(laughs) andquot;iand'll get you my pretty!
and your little dog, too!andquot; (laughs)
andlt;instrumental to andquot;somewhere over the rainbowandquot;, fadeandgt;
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