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Letra 'Make It Easy' de 'Mallu Magalhães' traducida al español

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Mallu Magalhães
Make It Easy

It's been hard days for mamma
And hard days for me too
Keep fighting for my love
As a woman
And mamma cries
As I knew she would do

It shouldn't be that hard
No, mamma
We accept each other
To make it easy

Love is no problem
No, mamma
We'll love each other
And make it easy

Life is good
Life is so fine
Dear mamma
Let's smile to life
And make it easy

It's been hard days for mamma
And hard days for me too
Keep fighting for my love
As a woman
And mamma cries
As I knew she would do

It shouldn't be that hard
No, mamma
We accept each other
And make it easy

Love is no problem
No, mamma
We'll love each other
And make it easy

'Cause it's alright
Also fine
Dear mamma
Let's smile to life
And make it easy

It shouldn't be that hard
No, mamma
We accept each other
And make it easy

Love is no problem
No, mamma
We'll love each other
And make it easy

Life is good
And it's alright
Dear mamma
Let's smile to life
And make it easy

And make it easy
And make it easy, mamma...
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