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Letra 'Turn to me' de 'Lou Reed' traducida al español

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Lou Reed
Turn to me

If you gave up major vices
You're between a hard place and a wall
And your car breaks down in traffic on the street
Remember, I'm the one who loves you
You can always give me a call
Turn to me, turn to me, turn to me
If you father is freebasing and your mother turning tricks
That's still no reason that you should have a rip
Remember, I'm the one who loves you
You can always give me a call
Turn to me, turn to me, turn to me
When your teeth are ground down to the bone
And there's nothing between your legs
And some friend died of something that you can't pronounce
Remember, I'm the one who loves you
You can always give me a call
Turn to me, turn to me, turn to me
You can't pay your rent
Your boss is an idiot
Your apartment has no heat
Your wife says: Maybe it's time to have a child
Remember, I'm the one who loves you
You can always give me a call
Turn to me, turn to me, turn to me
What it's all too much
You turn the TV set on and light a cigarette
Then a public service announcement comes creeping on
You see a lung corroding or a fatal heart attack
Turn to me, turn to me, turn to me
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