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Letra 'Way Of Life' de 'Loikaemie' traducida al español

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Way Of Life

I sometimes stretch your fuckinand' rules
but iand'm not dumb, iand'm not a fool
i donand't need anybody tellinand' me what i have to do
i know what i want and'coz thatand's my attitude
i wonand't be dictated to
i do what i want to do
and if the people on the streets cannot understand
i also sometimes convince them with violence
Iand'm no boozer, but iand'm sometimes drunk
i tell what i want, i have a ready tongue
many tried to missuse me for their own aims
but iand'm still independent and go my own way
Diffamed by the press, standered by society
they only tell you lies because of their density
so donand't believe those muckmuckers and their ficticious news
come to me and iand'll show you whatand's false and whatand's true
I like my way, my way of life
iand'm a skinhead thatand's my pride
oi! is my music, belongs to me
it stands for the cult and unity
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