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Letra 'If I Could Talk I'd Tell You' de 'Lemonheads' traducida al español

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If I Could Talk I'd Tell You

Half past 9
quarter to 10
10:15 and we're comin' around again

hold off are we going soft?
flushed my Zoloft and we're comin' around again

found out and I almost drowned
walked back down and we're comin' around again

If I could talk I'd tell you
If I could smile I'd let you know
If I could talk I'd tell you
You are far and away
My most imaginary friend

Khmer Rouge genocide qua
your place or Mein Kamph now I'm givin the dog a bone
slight hunch without the vaugest clue
to keep the blood balanced now we're comin around again

12 past 9
quarter to 2
10:15 now we're comin' around again

If I could talk I'd tell you
If I could smile I'd let you know
If I could talk I'd tell you
If I could talk I'd tell you
If I could smile I'd let you know
you are far and away
my most imaginary friend
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