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Letra 'I am who i am' de 'Lara Fabian' traducida al español

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Lara Fabian
I am who i am

Feels like youand've built a wall around me
youand've tried your best to ground me
let me explain that i donand't play by any
other rules
i wonand't be nobodyand's fool - i wonand't lose
this game
there is no way
i can love you with half of my heart
it would tear me apart
i am who i am
what else could i be
and iand'll stand where i stand
i chose to be me
when you look in my eyes
you get what you see
understand if you can
that i am who i am who i am
Think twice before you try to read me
before you try to lead me into your trap
youand've got no right to play with my
and'cause you should know that iand'm much
deeper than that
there is no way
i can love you with half of my heart
it would tear me apart
There is no way
i can love you with half of my heart
it would tear me apart
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