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Letra 'Oh My' de 'Ladyhawke' traducida al español

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I'm writing words for you
There's nothing else to do
All my life I feel like I can
I'm writing songs for you
I know it's nothing new
All my lines can't stop you cryin

Oh my, oh my, oh my
You try I wonder why
You came, you came beside
Don't lie, you see another day
Oh my, oh my, oh my
You try, I wonder why
You can't, you can't decide
Don't lie, you see another day

You turn away from me
I try to make you see
All your life you run from trying
I've waited patiently, but patience has a fee
All my love has gone unnoticed

Oh my, oh my, oh my
You try I wonder why
You came, you came beside
Don't lie, you see another day
Oh my, oh my, oh my
You try, I wonder why
You can't, you can't decide
Don't lie, you see another day

Oh my, oh my, oh my
You try I wonder why
You came, you came beside
Don't lie, you see another day

Oh my, oh my, oh my
You try I wonder why
You came, you came beside
Don't lie, you see another day

Oh my, oh my, oh my
You try I wonder why
You came, you came beside
Don't lie, you see another day
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