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Letra 'Miles away' de 'Labyrinth' traducida al español

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Miles away

Ghost Track

Time has changed our lives
I'm searching for the answers
picking up the pieces of my live
somewhere along the way.

Can't you look me screaming?
I look for your face in this light
and you're reaching for something you never had
... I'm miles...
and we live the hard way
day by day
tears are far away
all the night is blinding me side by side

... I'm miles away...

Try to see my story from a different side
now I can remember
why I need to run.

Can't you look me screaming?
I look for your face in this light
and you're reaching for something you never had
... I'm miles...
and we live the hard way
live my day
tears are far away
and the night is blinding me side by side

... I'm miles away...

... I'm miles away...

... I'm miles away...

Time has changed our lives
I'm searching for the answers
picking up the pieces of my live
somewhere along the way.

... I'm miles away...

... I'm miles away...

... I'm miles away...

... I'm miles away...

... I'm miles away...

... I'm miles away...
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