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Letra 'Tu compañia' de 'Keith Urban' traducida al español

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Keith Urban
Tu compañia

If I could be anywhere with anyone
You know exactly where I'd be
Under the covers waitin' for the sun to rise
Your head on the pillow next to me

Your feet propped up on that kitchen chair
Mornin' papers scattered all around you
Coffee brewin' on that cast-iron stove
And the pleasure of just knowin' that you're mine

Well I love the way you look
Love the way you feel
And the way you roll your eyes at the kisses that I steal
Love the way you stare
When you're starin' right at me
I just love your company, oh yes I do

Arm-in-arm on some spring sidewalk day
Laughin' just because it feels so right
Wrapped up under the blankets all cozy by the fire
As long as you're here close enough to touch

Well I love the way you look
Love the way you feel
And the way you roll your eyes at the kisses that I steal
Love the way you stare
When you're starin' right at me
And I just love your company, oh yes I do


Well I love the way you look
Love the way you smell
And I love your pretty eyes and the lies they never tell
Love the way you stare
When you're starin' right at me
And I just love your company
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