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Letra 'Goldfish' de 'Juan Son' traducida al español

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Juan Son

I belong to a world to a race
I practice unconscious cannibalism and the punishment as well
As a human i thirst all the wealth,all the gold,
All the toys,all the joys
I tried to be a hippie but no matter
How i try it's not for me
But nothing is changing
Nobody is wondering why?
The goldfish is upside down

I belong to a world to a race
I practice unconscious cannibalism and the punishment as well
As a human i thirst all the wealth,all the gold,
All the toys,all the joys
I tried to be a hippie but no matter
How i try it's not for me
But nothing is changing
And nobody is wondering why?
The goldfish is upside down

We smash this earth is time to leave for good
The rich people will be the first of all
Minorities will have to take next ship
In tiny planets we can buy and sale
I wished i can have what i don´t have

He comes to fear for she´s don´t have
To drink the peace for several years
Looking for something else to be consumed
He comes to fear for she´s don´t have
To drink the peace for several years
Looking for something else to be consumed
He comes to fear for she´s don´t have
To drink the peace for several years
Looking for something else to be consumed
He comes to fear for she´s don´t have
To drink the peace for several years
Looking for something else to be consumed.
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