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Letra 'If he should break your heart' de 'Journey' traducida al español

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If he should break your heart

Please be wrong
please donand't tell me itand's really you
tell me eyes... tell my heart what iand'm goinand' through
i believed, i believed i was over you
If he should break your heart
iand'll always know where you are
if you should fall... apart
iand'll be there, iand'll be around
if he should break... your heart
iand'll be there
Is this right
i donand't care iand'm alone with you
here we are, once again youand've got someone new
lonely hands, please donand't do what you wanna do
If he should break your heart
iand'll always know where you are
if you should fall... apart
iand'll be there, iand'll be around
If he should break... your heart
from my soul i say... good-bye yesterday
one more night alone, without the touch... of you
then i start to break... is it my mistake
tell me am i wrong... for holdinand' on... to you
If he should break your heart
iand'll always know where you are
if you should fall... apart
iand'll be there, iand'll be around
If he should break you heart, iand'll be there
if he should break your, if he should break your
if he should break your heart
iand'll be there, iand'll be around
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