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Letra 'Purple Haze' de 'Jimi Hendrix' traducida al español

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Jimi Hendrix
Purple Haze

purple haze all in my brain
lately things just donand't seem the same
actinand' funny, but i donand't know why
and'scuse me while i kiss the sky
purple haze all around
donand't know if iand'm cominand' up or down
am i happy or in misery?
what ever it is, that girl put a spell on me
help me
help me
oh, no, no
[faint, spoken lyrics...all questionable]
talkinand' and'bout heart and'nand'...s-soul
iand'm talkinand' about hard stuff
if everbodys still around, fluff and ease, if
so far out my mind
somethings happening, somethings happening
ooo, ahhh
ooo, {click} ahhh,
ooo, ahhh
ooo, ahhh, yeah!
purple haze all in my eyes, uhh
donand't know if its day or night
you got me blowinand', blowinand' my mind
is it tomorrow, or just the end of time?
help me
ahh, yea-yeah, purple haze, yeah
oh, no, oh
oh, help me
purple haze, tell me, baby, tell me
i canand't go on like this
purple haze
youand're makinand' me blow my mind...mama
purple haze, n-no, nooo
purple haze, no, its painful, baby
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