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Letra 'You' de 'Jim Brickman and Tara MacLean' traducida al español

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I never felt alone, i was happy on my own.
and who would ever know there was something missing?
i guess i didnand't see the possibility, it was waiting all the time,
but it never crossed my mind, till you opened up my eyes.
Now i all i think about is you, in my life, in my dreams,
in my heart i know itand's true that i belong with you.
because of you in my world, in my arms, i have everything
and now i canand't imagine what iand'd do without you.
I never thought love could be such a curiousity.
what attracted you to me was soo unexpected,
but it was waiting all of the time and it never
crossed my mind, till you opened up my eyes.
Now i all i think about is you, in my life, in my dreams,
in my heart i know itand's true, that i belong with you.
because of you in my world, in my arms, i have everything
and now i canand't imagine what iand'd do without you.
You, in my life, in my dreams, in my heart,
i know itand's true that i belong with you.
because of you in my world, in my arms, i have everything
and now i canand't imagine what iand'd do.
Without you, in my life, in my dreams,
in my heart i know itand's true, that i belong with you.
because of you in my world, in my arms, i have everything
and now i canand't imagine what iand'd do.
i canand't imagine what iand'd do.. without you...
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