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Letra 'I'm Coming Out' de 'Jennifer Lopez' traducida al español

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Jennifer Lopez
I'm Coming Out

I'm comin' out
I'm comin'
I'm comin' out
I'm comin' out

I'm, comin', out
I'm comin' out (I'm comin') I wan the world to know, I got to let it show.
(I'm comin')
I'm comin' out (comin') I wan the world to know, I got to let it show.

There's a new me comin' out
And I just have to live
And I wanna give
I'm completely positive

I think this time around
I just wanna do it
Like ya never knew it
Ya know I'll make it through

The time has come for me to break out of this shell
I have to shout, that I am comin' out


There's a night to show the world
All that I want to be
And all my abilities
Cuz there's so much more to me

Some how I'll have to make them
Just understand
I've got it well in hand
And oh how I have planned

I'm spreding love, there is no need to fear
And I just feel so good, every time I hear


I'm comin' out
I'm comin'
I'm, comin', out
I'm comin'
I'm, comin', out
I'm comin'
I'm, comin', OUT!!!
Said I'm comin' out! YEAH!

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