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Letra 'Show Yourself' de 'Jefferson Starship' traducida al español

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Jefferson Starship
Show Yourself

When i was small i used to stand
with my hand on my heart
and i would sing to you
you were my son and my lover
my father and my brother
i beleived in you
it was so easy then
It was so easy then
but where are you now
it seems like you canand't hear me anymore
maybe youand're just getting too old
But do you remember
201 years ago
when you were young
how strong you had become
promising every one you sweet gift of freedom,
now you know exactly who i am
i seem to tell you all the time
now tell me some kind of truth about yourself
your life should be as opena s mine
there are children dying for you
that doesnand't sound like freedom to me
you keep lyinand' about why theyand're dyinand'
when they should be concieved in liberty
Show yourself
show yourself to me
youand're the one that told me
you told me i was born to be free
open all your doors i want to see
all your doors and your keys
i want to see i want to hear you
all 88 keys yeah
oh give it to me
show yourself
show yourself to me
i want to see tha stars and the stripes
that can make those things scream
Show yourself
show yourself to me
expose yourself i wanna see your face
come on give it to me
show yourself
show yourself to me
are you rca
are you standard oil
are you a.t.andt. i wanna see
give it to me if you got one
i wanna see come on and show yourself
who runs this? who runs this country?
show me
show yourself
give it to me
show yourself to me
i want to know i wanna see
give it to me show yourself
show yourself to me
i want you know i wanna see
give it to me show yourself
show yourself to me
who runs it? who runs it around?
show me show me show your face to me
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