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Letra 'Bright eyes' de 'Jason Mraz' traducida al español

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Jason Mraz
Bright eyes

Bright lights, big city
was quite extraordinary.
the drive was pretty.
i was in perfect company.
the love of a lifetime,
since we were elementary friends;
the one with the bright eyes...

Why canand't i be optimistic?
i tried to find the logic logically.
i had a dream and i could not shake it.
i was standing up there naked.

thereand's fear in the truth at hand, frozen i forgot to understand
the live keep living; growing older more into a man...
and i let her grow away from me.

love... love is not pretending.
time... time was meant for mending
memories into all is satisfactory,
healthy smiles fill the page the day we spent in miles.
and i let her drive away from me.

The one with the bright eyes
laughed her way inside this music box;
stored away in the corner of my heart. and i let her get away from me.
but iand'll never take that day away from me.
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