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Letra 'My Skin' de 'Human Drama' traducida al español

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I see forest, stars in the sky at night
I am dreaming
I dream as a child
When I was allowed
When all was simple
When nothing could penetrate my skin

I see youth
When frowns were stranger then smiles
Unworn faces full of life, not worry
I long to return
I want to still wonder
I want nothing to penetrate my skin

We were younger then
Each day that came
More we would grow
But we are older now
And each day that comes
Takes more of my life away

This whirlwind of thought in my head
Competition forced into
Deceit that trusting allows
Rid me this struggle
Let me grow, in a world of childhood innocence
Where nothing can penetrate my skin

We were younger then
Each day that came
The more we would grow
But we are older now
And each day that comes
Takes more of my life away

I can't explain all the love I've had in my life
And how sometimes I couldn't feel it
For picturing it gone
Love rescue me now
Hold me tight so that I never forget
And nothing can penetrate my skin
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