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Letra 'A Boy From School' de 'Hot Chip' traducida al español

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Hot Chip
A Boy From School

And I was a boy from school
helplessly helping all the rules
and there was a boy at school
hopelessly wrestling all his fools
and there was a girl at school
blaming all the words she learn from home
nothing could keep her a child
long hours don't you know though we try

we try but we don't have long
we try but we don't belong
we try but we didn't have long
we try but we didn't belong

now I meet you on the street
helplessly breaking rules we meet
life is a found and love is a lost
say goodbye to nothing everything caused
now I find you on the street
breaking rules hopelessly we've meet
life is a found and love is a lost
say goodbye to everything, nothing caused

we try but we don't have long
we try but we don't belong
we try but we didn't have long
we try but we didn't belong

I got I got lost
You said this was the way back
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