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Letra 'Shatter Me With Hope' de 'HIM' traducida al español

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Shatter Me With Hope

The girl who cried love, won't you come and play with me?
You can be Cassandra underneath the sword of Damocles.
We'll tear this baby apart, wise like Solomon.
Will go shatter me now, shatter me with hope.
Cold come breath me in, bleed out all sorrows.
Shatter me now with hope.
Baby scream me a dream untouched by shadows
She'll be the witness to the repose of neverland
Push the needle in to the Canticles Of Ecstasy
Turn to page 43 and you'll know how I feel
Will go shatter me now, shatter me with hope.
Oh cold come breath me in, bleed out all sorrows.
Shatter me now with hope.
Baby scream me a dream untouched by shadows
Swear on your heart's grave I'm wrong.
Cease for very show me where i don't belong
I want you to prove me wrong
Baby prove me wrong
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