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Letra 'There Is Nothing Like' de 'Hillsongs' traducida al español

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There Is Nothing Like

father true and merciful
bound to me with love
adopted in
free from all sin

Jesus saviour
Your offering none could give
i stand before You
humbled and in awe

and all to You God for all You are to me

there is nothing like
there is nothing like
Your love
Your love

Holy Spirit gift of God
teach my soul to soar
train me in Your holy ways
oh Lord

and all to You God for all You are to me

there is nothing like
there is nothing like
Your love
Your love

cuz i love You forever
and i love You forever
and i love You forever
Lord (x4)

and all to You God for all you are to me (x2)

there is nothing like
there is nothing like
Your love
Your love
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