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Letra 'Bucky Lasek' de 'Hed Pe' traducida al español

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Hed Pe
Bucky Lasek

come now

broadcast now my cd's in your tape deck
listen to me drop in like bucky lasek
cash paychecks my safe sex still triple X
take a rest my aids test is A plus

i'm the future
new style digital
i'm on the old school team
like a triple beam
this a take down
i break down
you fake clowns
you hate now
but wait now
you face down

politicians and generals

tell me
how you gonna fight the fucking war from a golf course?
the redneck president is a lost cause
i know you get real money
but at what cost?

politicians and generals

yeah it's, easy to watch kids die
when they not yours
i've seen this all before
i've read it all before
it's 1984

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