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Letra 'Family tree' de 'H20' traducida al español

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Family tree

Don't forget your roots
Don't forget your roots
Don't forget your roots

I was thinking about the good old times
And all the people who helped me survive
Now who the hell knows where I'd be
Without the branches of my family tree

I was thinking about the friends who cared
And all the times that we shared
And if I had the strength to be what I could be
Love and respect to the branches of my tree

Family Tree!!

Don't forget your roots
Don't forget your roots
Don't forget your roots

I was thinking about the good old times
And all the people who helped me survive
Now who the hell knows where I'd be
Without the branches of my family tree

I was thinking about the times we shared
And all the times I was scared
Living and learning in the NYC
Shout out's go out to my New York Family

Family Tree!

Don't forget your roots
Don't forget your roots
Don't forget your roots
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