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Letra 'Help the poor' de 'Eric Clapton' traducida al español

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Eric Clapton
Help the poor

Help the poor,
wonand't you help poor me?
i need help from you, baby,
need it desperately.
i need you so much, i need your care,
need all the loving, baby, you can spare.
help the poor,
oh baby, wonand't you help poor me?

say you will,
say youand'll help me on.
i canand't make it no longer
in this world alone.
baby, iand'm begging with tears in my eyes
for your love, donand't you realize
i need help.
oh baby, help poor me.

you are my inspiration,
baby, that make me be a king,
but if you donand't come to my rescue,
i couldnand't ever be anything.

help the poor,
wonand't you help poor me?
have a heart, wonand't you baby?
listen to my plea.
oh, i lost my courage till i found you.
youand've got what it takes, baby, to pull me through.
help the poor,
oh baby, wonand't you help poor me?

Repeat third verse
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