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Letra 'If i can dream' de 'Elvis Presley' traducida al español

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Elvis Presley
If i can dream

There must be lights burning brighter somewhere
got to be birds flying higher in a sky more blue
if i can dream of a better land
where all my brothers walk hand in hand
tell me why, oh why, oh why canand't my dream come true
there must be peace and understanding sometime
strong winds of promise that will blow away
all the doubt and fear
if i can dream of a warmer sun
where hope keeps shining on everyone
tell me why, oh why, oh why wonand't that sun appear
weand're lost in a cloud
with too much rain
weand're trapped in a world
thatand's troubled with pain
but as long as a man
has the strength to dream
he can redeem his soul and fly
deep in my heart thereand's a trembling question
still i am sure that the answer gonna come somehow
out there in the dark, thereand's a beckoning candle
and while i can think, while i can talk
while i can stand, while i can walk
while i can dream, please let my dream
come true, right now
let it come true right now
oh yeah
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