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Letra 'Imagine My Frustration' de 'Ella Fitzgerald & Count Basie' traducida al español

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Ella Fitzgerald & Count Basie
Imagine My Frustration

I went down to the dance
Sat down by the wall
Invited to dance
By no one at all

The couples danced fine
So charming an' gay
But nobody wants
Look down over my way

Awfuly so sad
I hurt so bad
I almost cried
Imagine my frustration with no
Invitation to dance

Sat down by the wall
Who else can I be?
But Ella, next to the wall,
who likes what she sees?-

And a voice said to me
Wallflower, my dear,
How come, how come you can't see
You're not wanted here
You don't impress
You're just a mess
You're in excess
I need a man

Imagine my frustration with no
Invitation to dance

I smiled to the crowd
-Tip toe and alert-
The band blues went loud
But next on a flirt

A voice said to me
Wallflower, my dear
how come you can't see
You're not wanted here
You're in a mess
And in excess
About your dress
I must confess

Imagine my frustration with no
Invitation to dance
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