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Letra 'Maybe Tomorrow' de 'Dread Mar I' traducida al español

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Dread Mar I
Maybe Tomorrow

'As a light he came,
For those who were in darkness
To be a lamb unto their path
For those who seek the Truth
And the redemption for their souls.
So he came,
Yes he came'.

He gave His Son, and they say No
His given Son, they still say No
With all the passionate shown
He shared his blood ... to save us all...

He says don't cry, no more for me
My job is done, I have to leave
I came as a light unto this world
This is my life, my destiny

Maybe tomorrow!
We'll be together again
Once you'll be followed
My footsteps to the end

As I just came
It's become your way
Just get on board
And don't be late

'Cause soon this dark
Will fade away
As your journey
To be right appeared

He says don't cry, no more for me
My job is done, I have to leave
I came as a light unto this world
This is my life, my destiny

Maybe tomorrow!
We could be together again
Once you'll be followed
My footsteps to the end

Maybe, oh maybe, My Lord, My Lord
Maybe, maybe tomorrow
Maybe tomorrow
Maybe will be together
Maybe will be together
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