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Letra 'Few Old Memories' de 'Dolly Parton' traducida al español

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Dolly Parton
Few Old Memories

Just a few old memories slipped in through my door
Though I thought I had closed it so tightly before
I can't understand it why it should bother my mind
For it all belongs to another place and time

Just a few old keepsakes way back on the shelf
No they don't mean nothing well I'm surprised they're still left
Just a few old love letters with the edges all brown
And an old faded picture I keep turned upside down

Just a few old mem'ries going way back in time
Well i can hardly remember I don't know why I'm cryin'
I can't understand it well I'm surprised of myself
First thing tomorrow morning I'll clean off that shelf

Just a few old keepsakes way back on the shelf...
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