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Letra 'Dancing In The Dark' de 'Diana Krall' traducida al español

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Diana Krall
Dancing In The Dark

Dancing in the dark 'til the tune ends
We're dancing in the dark and it soon ends
We're waltzing in the wonder of why we're here
Time hurries by, we're here and we're gone

Looking for the light of a new love
To brighten up the night, I have you love
And we can face the music together
Dancing in the dark

What - though love is old
What - though song is old
Through them we can be young

Hear this heart of mine
Wailin' all the time
Dear one, tell me that we're one

Looking for the light of a new love
To brighten up the night, I have you love
And we can face the music together
Dancing in the dark, dancing
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