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Letra 'Gone with my wind' de 'Dead Kennedys' traducida al español

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Dead Kennedys
Gone with my wind

Wake up! get down here quick!
the presidentand's had too much to drink
his days of power are about gone
heand's been talking to paintings in the hall
He says, andquot;iand'm finished, so what the hell?
my life is ruined, what matters now?
iand've always itched for that last great thrill:
if i die all of you should too.andquot;
Gone with my wind
out with a bang
iand'm gonna end it all right now
gone with my wind
out with a bang
youand're coming with me, oh wow
My bombs will rain down on d.c.
weand'll nuke our enemies while theyand're asleep
weand'll be safe in the ground below
and laugh and drink till the cows come home
So cand'mon john, whadya say?
itand's been dancing in my head for years
whatand'll happen if i push this button:
letand's start world war iii for fun
Gone with my wind
out with a bang
iand'm gonna end it all right now
gone with my wind
out with a bang
youand're coming with me, oh wow
Mr. president, just sit down
we should talk a little while, iand'll pour another round
what about your memoirsand' tv rights?
sit tight-and watch the fire:
Let go of me. do you think iand'm mad? to tell the truth, sir, iand'd rather not say
just keep your paws inside your pockets
and planet earth will be ok.
But you reached for the button anyhow
i had no choice but to knock you out
thatand's just last nightand's bump on your head
on to the next crisis, itand's another day
Gone with my wind
out with a bang
iand'm gonna end it all right now
gone with my wind
out with a bang
youand're coming with me, oh wow
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