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Letra 'God send conspirator' de 'Coheed And Cambria' traducida al español

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Coheed And Cambria
God send conspirator

Hold in your last breath and stare
assure me your metronome left arm stick shift is stuck on the right words in your ear
could you hear me loud and clear? in sight and out of mind
cautiously avoiding the cracks not to disturb your steadied arm straight line
the facts before a climb... a plan before a crime
tired in the days that passed away
sporadically arranged across your floor when youand've got it made...
Dear mariah, the worlds not big enough for the both of us when we live in the same town
fight on fire, burn my hands till i got nothing left to count my numbers on
Your wise ass comments could cheer you up
the emotional disturbance relax deep breathe sit back
from the space in which you stand
here and in demand donand't touch a fresh wound that bleeds
all over you carpets the stains the story book remains and the page that states youand've tied
accept and then reply acknowledge the other guy, tired in the days that pasted away
sporadically arragned across the floor when youand've got it made
Donand't change your mind when alls been won
your words in time with the loss that youand'd let them go
donand't let them fall if your grips not strong
in time decide... with the words you should let them go
Dear mariah come sleep in your own bed
when eye meets eye be calm
will lie here alone locked the children in the floor
who sat me down here?
your dreams canand't last forever.
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