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Letra 'Lift Me Up' de 'Christina Aguilera' traducida al español

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I don't need your answered prayers
Or the chains your lover wears
I don't need your rings of gold
Or the secrets that you hold
Lift me up, darling
Lift me up and i'll fall with you lift me up
Let your love lift me up

I don't need your sacred vow
Or the promise tomorrow brings
There behind the morning clouds
I'll take the faith the daylight brings
Lift me up, darling
Lift me up, and i'll fall with you lift me up
Let your love lift me up

When the morning bright
Lifts away this night
And the light above
We will find our love, we will find our love

Your skin, your hand upon my neck
This skin, your fingers on my skin
This kiss, this heartbeat this breath
This heart, this heart this wilderness
Lift me up darling
Lift me up and i'll fall with you lift me up
Let your love lift me up

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