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Letra 'Yes' de 'Chad Brock' traducida al español

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She moved into my old apartment
thatand's how we got this whole thing started
she called and said that i had mail
waiting there for me
i told her that iand'd come and get it
how could i know in just a minute
that iand'd be standing face to face
with my own destiny
oh, and we sat there talking
just like we were old friends
oh, then i asked her
can i see you again
she said yes
and i said wow
she said when
and i said how about right now
love canand't wait
then i asked if she believed in fate
and she said yes
The days flew by just like a fast train
and nothing else has been on my brain
except the thought of how she makes me
the man i want to be
sheand's the one i want for a million reasons
loving her is just like breathing
itand's easy and itand's obvious
she was made for me
Oh, then it happened one night
looking in her eyes
oh, when i popped the question
much to my surprise
So we called a preacher, family and friends
and nothingand's been the same since...
She said yes
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