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Letra 'Wrong Side Of The Street' de 'Bruce Springsteen' traducida al español

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Bruce Springsteen
Wrong Side Of The Street

Turn on the radio, turn off the lights
We'll bring an end, darling, to your endless night
You're on the wrong side of the street

I see your fortune in the lines in your face
I knew you're looking for your saving grace
You're on the wrong side of the street

Fear and desire such a sweet confusion
Well, open your eyes and throw down your illusions
And see you never belonged here with me

You and your poetry and your cool, cool world
You been working hard on that face of a martyr girl
You're on the wrong side of the street

You got the look and you own your world
But here you better check your diamonds and your pearls
You're on the wrong side of the street

You get bored of every day bringing the same
So you go out looking for some strange new games
But pretty soon you don't know the score or what you're looking for

You get bored of every day bringing the same
So you go out looking for some strange new games
But pretty soon you don't know the score or what you came here for

Turn on the radio, turn off the lights
We'll bring an end, darling, to this endless night
Here on the wrong side of the street

Fear and desire such a sweet confusion
Well, open your eyes and throw down your illusions
And see tonight there's no one here but you and me
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