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Letra 'Join our hearts' de 'Bob Fitts' traducida al español

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Bob Fitts
Join our hearts

Lord we come in your name
Gathered here to worship you
Join us all in harmony
Spirit, come

And join our hearts together in love (men)
Join our hearts together in love (women)
Join our hearts together in love (men)
Join our hearts (women)
And come like the dew on the mountains descending (all)
Join our hearts together in love (men)
Join our hearts together in love (women)
Join our hearts together in love (men)
Join our hearts (women)
For there the Lord has commanded the blessing (all)

O how good, how beautiful
When we live in unity (women)
Flowing like anointing oil
On Jesus' head so (men)

(Repeat chorus)

So let us all agree
To make strong our bonds of peace
Here is life forever more
Spirit, come

(Repeat chorus)
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