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Letra 'Me White Noise' de 'Blur' traducida al español

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Me White Noise

you let yourself down and you don't know why

I'm an original
I'm an original

When it comes to the suburbs
I'm an original

Being English isn't about hate
It's about disgust!
We're all disgusting

And then you move, move, move, move
And you push, push, push, push
And you trip over yourself and you think to yourself
why am I here?
I'm here because I got no fucking choice
And furthermore
You're boring X 4

I'm an original X 2
When it comes to the suburbs

And then you move, move, move, move
And you push, push, push, push
And you trip over yourself and you think to yourself
why am I here?
I'm here because I got no fucking choice
You're boring X 4
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