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Letra 'Scrape' de 'Blue Stahli' traducida al español

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Bring it down to the wire,
Parasite my sire,
Set them all on fire,
Bring it down to the wire,
And scrape.

Bring it down to the wire,
Parasite my sire,
Set them all on fire,
And scrrraaaappppeeee!

They force it in and you swallow,
Like words and cheap advice,
I'll burn it all just to light your eyes.

Skin-tight rewards and vendetta (Vendetta#,
Round zero in a desperate light,
I love the violence inside your mind.

Bring it down to the wire,
Parasite my sire,
Set them all on fire,
And scrrraaaappppeeee!
Scrrraaaappppeeee! #Want you#
Scrrraaaappppeeee! #Need you#
Scrrraaaappppeeee! #Break you)
Bring it down to the wire!

There is an art to infliction,
Head-spill and homicide,
I'll burn it all just to light your eyes.

All that you dream of, they're ruined,
My sweet little libertine,
We'll mix it all with gasoline.

Bring it down to the wire,
Parasite my sire,
Set them all on fire,
And scrrraaaappppeeee!
Scrrraaaappppeeee! (Want you)
Scrrraaaappppeeee! (Need you)
Scrrraaaappppeeee! (Break you)
Bring it down to the wire!

Witches got some vicious candy kisses for apocalypse,
Watch it closer as it's slipping away,
Naked trigger finger, make linger just below the hips,
Watch if fall as humanity is spiraling down,
To the ground!

Bring it down to the wire,
Parasite my sire,
Set them all on fire.

Bring it down, bring it down to the wire.


Bring it down to the wire.

Scrrraaaappppeeee! (Want you)
Parasite my sire (Need You)
(Break you)
Set them all on fire!

Break it-

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