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Letra 'The Antihuman Manifesto' de 'Black Altar' traducida al español

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Black Altar
The Antihuman Manifesto

Humanity, filth of this world
Carcass polluting the planet
Destroying the ancient order
Enemy of nature
Brainless maggots unable
To conquer their weakness

Death! Death to mankind! Anihilation!
Extermination of pitiful race
Death! Death to mankind! Anihilation!
Full of the kingdom of stupidity and falsity

Brainless mass humiliating earth by its existence
Slaves of dogma and false truth
Cursed species full of contradiction
Disabled beings anihilating each other
By religions and false concepts
The days of mankind draw to a gloomy end
The end of pathetic work of god

Death! Death to mankind! Anihilation!
Extermination of pitiful race
Death! Death to mankind! Anihilation!
Full of the kingdom of stupidity and falsity

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