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Letra 'Until You Come Back To Me' de 'Basia' traducida al español

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Until You Come Back To Me

Though you donand't call anymore
i sit and wait in vain
i guess iand'll rap on your door
tap on your window pane

i want to tell you baby
the changes iand've been going through
missing you.
listen you

and'till you come back to me
thatand's what iand'm gonna do

why did you have to decide
you had to set me free
iand'm gonna swallow my pride
iand'm gonna beg you to (please baby please) see me
iand'm gonna walk by meself
just to prove that my love is true
oh, for you baby

and'till you come back to me
thatand's what iand'm gonna do

living for you my dear
is like living in a world of constant fear
in my plea, iand've got to make you see
that our love is dying

although your phone you ignore
somehow i must explain
iand'm gonna rap on your door
tap on your window pane
iand'm gonna camp on your step
until i get through to you
iand've got to change your view baby
and'till you come back to me
thatand's what iand'm gonna do
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