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Letra 'Forgotten faces' de 'Avenged Sevenfold' traducida al español

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Avenged Sevenfold
Forgotten faces

Forgotten faces.
lost in yesterdays realm.
drained with confusion.
where did it all go?
look into the past, look into their faces.
never, the thought of being time fucked.
but now theyand're all gone and all thatand's left is this blank faced picture.
ninety percent, nothing was done, nothing accomplished,
coasting through life didnand't seize the day.
no one ever realized that theyand're already dgad.
by the time you realize, youand'll be dead too.
without another chance to save the world, these things theyand're gone, your gone, forgotten.
now your face in my picture frame. itand's gone, forever.
right before my very eyes.
and just when i thought i made light of things.
it slips away, into darkness.
my life passes now i see.
just what this world does hold for me.
itand's getting hard, harder to breathe.
am i out of time is that what this means?
well thatand's what it means.
thatand's what it means, you and me try to breathe.
now you. realize.
your life, flies by.
now i. realize.
my life, i die
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