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Letra 'Slow Down' de 'Atlas Losing Grip' traducida al español

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You keep on rushing like there's no tomorrow.
And if you keep this up there probably won't be.
Don't look back, Don't let them see you weak.
Your mind and body sure as hell could use the sleep... so...
Slow the fuck down! Is it worth it?
Take some time to think it through
before it consumes you.

Don't let the fuckers eat you up.
They are impossible to please.
But I guess that you won't stop.
Until we find you on your knees.
Begging for mercy.
Begging for your life back.

Too late! - No use in trying to get up.
Too late! - You've gotten used to giving up.
Too late! - Might as well just stay down...
and you're down there...

Don't let the fuckers eat you up.
They are impossible to please.
But I guess that you won't stop.
Until we find you on your knees.
Begging for mercy.
Begging for your life back.

Slow down!
You can't keep this up no.
Slow down!
It just ain't worth it!
Slow down!
You can't keep this up no more
The price you're paying is just to high.

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