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Letra 'Guardian de tus Sueños (en ingles)' de 'Amaury Gutierrez' traducida al español

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Amaury Gutierrez
Guardian de tus Sueños (en ingles)

I want to lose myself in your body
Hundirme between your waist
Atarme your lips red
You are the ripe fruit
I will agree with the time
And dwell on your skin
Robarme your beautiful eyes to be confused with your
I pintarte of kisses
Llenarme your tenderness
Being the guardian of your dreams to your healthy bitterness
I will meet with my breath your body at dawn
Amare with you to make you shudder slow

To prove your honey
Cabalgar in your figure
Sumergirme in your love and tenderness to falter
Besar your skin to lose sanity
Llevarte up madness and surpass pleasure
(Bésala of my heart for you heaven)
You are the light of my life singing to give my adventure
Also you will be my ramanzo and my source of pure water
I will drink to your charm to stop my thirst
For you I am no longer tolerate without your love not to do
To prove your honey
Cavalgar in your figure
Sumergirme in your love and tenderness to falter
Besar your skin to lose sanity
Llevarte up madness and surpass pleasure
Go back!
To fill my mouth with your honey kisses and you know that my beautiful girl for you I die
It should be filled my mouth with that honey from your lips those lips they cause, which is why I want besarlos
To fill my mouth with your honey kisses and you know that my beautiful girl for you I die
What I feel for you is a beautiful thing since I met you sleep with you my life
To fill my mouth with honey your kisses
To fill my mouth with this honey of your kisses
To fill my mouth with honey your kisses
And it is that I want to test your honey, I want to feel your skin.
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