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Letra 'Hey soledad (en ingles)' de 'Alma Pirata' traducida al español

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Alma Pirata
Hey soledad (en ingles)

He(She) eats a sorrow(sentence).
The abandon and the pain.
Today only I still have them.
Scars of this love.
Already I unhooked your star.
Not to look at her mas.
And there is flavor to oblivion.
In the air if you are not.
Light of neon, crystal that broke.
And from my window already the Sun does not go out mas.
Hey loneliness.
For that you come to look.
My skin(leather) already is not your skin(leather).
And the cold wraps the city.
One day mas.
I return to wake up.
You took my wings to yourself.
And already I cannot fly.
The world turns.
Everything turns in my interior.
There is a grey of absence.
That perforates me of pain.
Already he(she) died the evening.
And the life me goes away.
And this brutal certainty.
Of feeling that it(he,she) does not go mas.
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