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Letra 'Doesn't Mean Anything' de 'Alicia Keys' traducida al español

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Alicia Keys
Doesn't Mean Anything

Used to dream of being a millionaire
Without a care
But if I'm seeing my dreams
And you aren't there cause it's over
That just won't be fair, darling

I'd rather be a poor woman living on the street
No food to eat
Cause I don't want no pie if I have to cry
Cause it's over when you said goodbye

All at once I had it all
But it doesn't mean anything
Now that you're gone
From above, seems I had it all
But it doesn't mean anything
Since you're gone

Now I see myself through different eyes
It's no surprise
but being alone would make you realize
When it's over all in love is fair
I shoulda been there, I shoulda been there
I shoulda shoulda

All at once I had it all
But it doesn't mean anything
Now that you're gone
From above, seems I had it all
But it doesn't mean anything
Since you're gone

I know I pushed you away
What can I do that would save our love
Take these material things
They don't mean nothing
It's you that I want

All at once I had it all
But it doesn't mean anything
Now that you're gone
From above, seems I had it all
But it doesn't mean anything
Since you're gone
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