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Letra 'Pyromania' de 'Alan parsons project' traducida al español

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There are pyramids in my head!
There's one underneath my bed!
And my lady's getting cranky.
Every possible location
Has a simple explanation
And it isn't hanky-panky.

I have read, somewhere in a book,
They improve all your food and your wine.
It's said that everything you grow in your garden will pretty fine,
Instead, all I ever get is a pain in the neck and a
Yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap!

I've consulted all the sages,
I could find in the yellow pages,
But there aren't many of them...
And the mayan panoramas
On my pyramid pajamas
Haven't helped my little problem.

I've been told someone in the know
Can be sure that his luck is as good as gold,
Money in the bank and you don't even pay for it if you fold
A dollar in the shape of the pyramid that's printed on the back.

It's no lie.
You can keep the edge of a razor as sharp as an eagle's eye.
You can grow a hedge that is vertically straight, over ten feet high.
All you really need is a pyramid and just a little luck.

I have read, somewhere in a book,
They improve all your food and wine
And I've been told,
Someone in the know
Can be sure of his good luck and it's no lie.
All you really need is a little bit of pyramidic
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