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Letra 'Black soul choir' de '16 Horsepower' traducida al español

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16 Horsepower
Black soul choir

Ainand't none ever seen the face of his foe no
He ainand't made of flesh and bone
Heand's the one who sits up close beside you
An when heand's there you are alone
Every man is evil yes an every man is a liar
An unashamed with the wicked tongues sing
In the black soul choir
Yes an no man ever seen the face of my lord no
Not since he left his skin
Heand's the one you keep cold on the outside girl
Heand's at your door let him in
O i will forgive your wrongs
Yes i am able
An for my own i feel great shame
I would offer up a brick to the back of your head boy
If i were cain
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