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Letra 'Black bush' de '16 Horsepower' traducida al español

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16 Horsepower
Black bush

I can sense it all around me
Thereand's somethinand' in this room
It ainand't magic nor no witchcraft
No bitch on no broom
Look see his bones are gone
He done left the grave
The grip of death it could not hold him down no
Itand's for him that i rave
My knees was made for kneelinand'
An thatand's just what theyand'll do
One of these days little girl
Iand'll go down an pray for you
Look see his bones are gone
Heand's done all my dyinand'
Sometimes hopeand's so strong in me girl
I commence to cryinand'
O my brothers
These are the great dust bowl days
Just take a gander round ya
Everything in a wicked haze
andquot;the wind blows like the devil when it blows
An a boy grows up an like the wind he goesandquot;
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